Elevate Your Brand DNA Mastermind
In this FREE mastermind session, you'll get access to insights that will spark your creativity to craft compelling Brand DNA elements, including:
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Aligned Intentions/Goals
Purpose Statement
"Your brand is the essence of who you are as a leader and as an organization. It sets the stage for your future."
- Nicole Shaia, Founder
Here's what you'll get:
45 min. pre-recorded virtual workshop from an expert
Insider tips and tools to craft compelling Brand DNA
1 Worksheet with prompts for self-discovery
Here's what you'll learn:
What is Brand DNA and why it's important
How to craft and elevate your Brand DNA
Engage in meaningful self discovery activities that hone in on your why
If this sounds exciting to you, I invite you to sign up for access today!

Grant Writing Secrets to Success Mastermind
Are you a small business owner or nonprofit that wants to apply for a grant, but you don't know where to start?
I've got you covered! The grant process can be incredibly confusing, overwhelming, and competitive. Once I created a system and tested it over and over again with clients successfully, I wanted to share my learnings and insights to help more people win grants. I bottled up all of my secrets to success and I'm excited to share it with you. It really is a compilation of everything I wish I knew when I first started writing grants years ago. I piloted this workshop with dozens of industry leaders and received incredible feedback. Most said:
"I've attended so many grant writing workshops and courses before and didn't learn as much as I did through this session."
Here's what you'll get:
1 hour pre-recorded virtual workshop from an expert grant writer
10 insider tips and tools to craft a proposal that stands out among numerous submissions
4 Templates to jumpstart your grant writing (Letter of Interest, Cover Letter, Executive Summary, and Mission/Vision/Problem Statement)
Here's what you'll learn:
An easy system and step by step process to help you navigate the application process
Key steps to help translate complex ideas into clear and compelling language while adhering to the technical requirements
Develop an understanding of what funders value
How to level up your grant writing above the status quo
If this sounds exciting to you, I invite you to sign up for access today and get started on your grant writing!